Monday, March 2, 2009

The Lamb Calls Her, Array Thyself in Thy Garments


The purpose of this blog is focused on the message that burns in my heart: To prepare the way for the Lord, our soon returning Bridegroom King, and the preparation of His Bride.

In ancient times, when the Bridegroom and the father of the bride had agreed on a price, a dowry which had been set for her, the two drank a cup of wine together in a four part series of the ancient process. Between the third and fourth cup of wine, the Bridegroom was away preparing a place for the two of them to live. Usually this was the Bridegroom's father's house. The Bride spent this time period preparing for His return. For she did not know the exact day or hour.
It was custom that she would set a lamp in her window, with careful preparations for having enough oil for the journey when he calls. The call signified His approaching. His chosen servants or bestmen came with him calling out, giving the Bride enough time to gather her things, her lamp, and her oil. She needed the oil for the journey, for the bridegroom always came at night.

Can you hear Him calling? The burning of love within your heart? You are His Beloved, He sings over you, He intercedes for you, His heart burns with jealousy for your love.

It is my prayer that the Church, the Lamb's Bride will learn to dance with Him, bask in His presence and hear from Him how much He loves her. The following was written in June of 2006. It sets the tone for the purpose of this 'trumpet'...

“The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord,
She is His new creation by water and the word;
From heaven He came and sought her to be His holy bride;
With His own blood He bought her, and for her life He died.”
The Church’s One Foundation

I saw the Lamb of God before her today, in the midst of the ceremony. He stood as a testament that she would one day be gathered and glorified with Him, and in Him. That she too, would be clothed in garments of praise and purity, through the faithfulness to the Lamb; pursuing acts of righteousness in setting the captives free, opening the way for the Truth and Light to be brought into all.
He called her, and she stands before Him, as He longs for her to be arrayed in His beauty, “Come My love, come away with Me”.
He stands centered at the alter to receive her. His light breaks forth before her. His love radiates and fills the heart of her. Pounding and radiating, his love goes forth as she walks down the aisle to receive her. He calls, “Come My Bride, for your Bridegroom longs for you to be prepared and clothed in My love, in My beauty. My blood has cleansed you, and My Spirit anoints you; let Me clothe you, My love, in purity. Your life and blood was not taken for nothing. It honored Me when you stood before men who hated Me, and gave testimony to Me. You feared not of your own life, I see your love for Me. I gave you this gift and you have received it and are faithful.
“Come to Me. For I bought you and have paid My dowry for you. I have paid My dowry for you. I have paid My dowry for you. I gave My life for you. You are glorified with Me. Come, My Bride array yourself in thy raiment.”
The Lamb is calling. Can you hear Him? Can you see He is standing at the alter of the Almighty? He says, “Come”. Let us come, let us run being arrayed in His beauty. For He has cleansed us. He stands at the alter of God and calls to His Bride. The Lamb longs to receive us, His Bride.
She is His possession, fully paid for. The debt of her sin, of her dead works is paid for through His blood. “Take and eat, My body broken for you. Drink of the new covenant, My blood shed for You.”
Let Him clothe the bride. The Lamb has set His heart on her, and for no other did He pursue. He has longed for her and her alone. His heart knows that there is none other who can array her, hold her, and love her like the Lamb.
“I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Revelation 21:13
“She will be wed to Me. Holy and glorified in My name, in My holy place. An heir to My throne, given to her, because I love her. My Bride, I ever long for you. I long for you to know My intimate love. This covenant is no earthly promise broken by men. But it is sealed in the promises of the Most High.
“My Word is found written upon her, within her, My Bride. She has been washed in My Word, cleansed and sanctified. She has been anointed and drank from the Holy of holies, Thy Word and living waters of her Messiah. Array thyself, My Bride, put on thy raiment.”

“Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”
Revelation 19:7-8
O LORD, Most High, raise up a Bride fit for Your holy Name. One who wears Your bridal gown. Open our ears, Holy Lamb of God to hear You calling. Open our eyes consumed with this world, and turn our sight to the Holy God, to whom we have been called. She needs You O LORD, desperately! Awaken the hopeless and blind eyes and ready her heart to walk down the aisle of the temple of the Most High. Pour into her heart an extravagant love, one who will anoint the throne having forsaken all to lavish Him with all the praise worthy of the King of kings. Remove from us, LORD, our divided hearts, that we may render all of our hearts having been purified through the fire; an unblemished gown we seek, for our unblemished and spotless Lamb.

June 3, 2006

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